Lease Rental Agreement

Moravian Hall Lease Cost Summary

(Refer to the complete Moravian Hall Lease Agreement for additional details & requirements). Lease prices are subject to change without notice.

Indicated costs do not apply to the following holidays:
New Years Eve, Memorial Day, July 4th , Labor Day.

The following holidays are not available for lease:
Christmas Eve / Day, New Year’s Day, Easter & Thanksgiving Day

Saturdays = $3000.00
Total Rental Fee: $2500.00 plus a $500.00 refundable Facilities Deposit

Lease Fee includes the following:
Main Hall / Dining Room / Bar for eight (8) hours, Bartender, Security & Clean-up
Additional Rental Time: $100.00 /hr. to be paid prior to scheduled event.

Sunday - Friday = $2500.00
Total Rental Fee: $2,000.00
plus a $500.00 refundable Facilities Deposit

Lease Fee includes the following:
Main Hall / Dining Room / Bar for eight (8) hours, Bartender, Security & Clean-up
Additional Rental Time: $100.00 /hr. to be paid prior to scheduled event.

Dining Room Only - Sunday - Thursday:
Total Rental Fee: $850.00
Includes a $250.00 refundable Facilities Deposit.

Lease Fee includes the following:
Dining Room / Bar for four (4) hours, Bartender & Clean-up
Additional Rental Time: $50.00 /hr. Security: Additional $20.00 /hr.

Entertainment Copyright Laws: Moravian Hall Rentals & Events
Rental of The Moravian Hall is limited to private entities and non-profit organizations for their personal
use. The Moravian Hall does not maintain required licensing to host for-profit events utilizing musical

Minimum Bar Purchase:
A minimum Gross Bar purchase of $200.00 is required for all events. If the minimum gross
purchase amount is not met @ the conclusion of the event, the difference from actual Bar sales & the
$200.00 minimum will be deducted from the $500.00 Facility Deposit Refund. Note: All Beer,
Wine, Soft Drinks, Bottled Water, Ice & Snacks MUST be purchased from the Bar.

Hall Access:
The Moravian Hall is available for access @ 10:00 am the morning of the event. If earlier access is
required, a pre-paid fee of $150.00 is required if an event occurs the previous evening. Earlier access
on days when no event is scheduled for the previous evening, must be approved and coordinated with
and approved by with the Moravian Hall Leasing Agent.

The following decorating items shall not be used in the Moravian Hall:
Confetti, Diamond Confetti, Glitter, Bubbles, Decorative Sand, Imitation Icicles, Gravel or
Water balloons, Chocolate / Candy or Drink Fountains.

Other restrictions apply:

Refer to & comply with your Lease Agreement Contract Documents.

Lease Agreement Exhibit “C"
Decorating / Event Stipulations

Event Name:__________________ Event Date:

Total rental fees are due no later than ninety (90) calendar days prior to the event date. Allotted event time is for eight (8) total hours. (Includes decorating, preparations & celebration).
At the Conclusion of the Event:
If tables and / or chairs are moved or relocated in either the main hall or the bar area, they must be returned to their original locations at the conclusion of the event to avoid a deduction of $150.00 from the Lessee's Facilities Deposit refund. Immediately upon conclusion of the event, the band/DJ will remove their equipment from the premises.
Immediately upon conclusion of the event, all decorations must be disassembled & removed from the premises. All item's considered to be of value to the Lessee must be removed from the premises at the conclusion of
the event. The Moravian Hall will not be responsible for the securing & saving of such items.
All events and associated entertainment must end no later than 12:00 am (Midnight). The Following Items MAY NOT Be Utilized For Decorating Rice, soda straw candy, bubbles, confetti, confetti balloons, diamond confetti, decorative sand, glitter,
imitation icicles, gravel and water balloons are prohibited inside and outside of the Moravian Hall.
Birdseed is permitted outside only.
Chocolate, candy or drink fountains and un-packaged chocolate candy are prohibited inside the Moravian Hall facility. All candles must be in heat proof container, i.e., votive glass, hurricane lantern.
Staples, nails or tacks are prohibited for use inside and outside of the premises. Ceiling grid clips will be provided by the Moravian Hall and MUST be utilized when hanging items
directly from the ceiling grid. Ceiling grid clips must be returned at the conclusion of the event.
Entertainment / Bands/DJs:
Smoking is strictly prohibited inside any portion of the Moravian Hall facility. A minimum lighting level must be maintained in the Hall at all times for general illumination and safety.
Lessee or Bands/DJs are expressly prohibited from using any type of smoke producing equipment requiring pyrotechnics or combustion. Bar Purchase Requirements: Refreshments & Snacks: _
Since liquor by the drink is not sold at the bar, you may bring your own bottle (BYOB) of LIQUOR, only.
Beer, wine, wine coolers, soft drinks & bottled water, snacks and set-ups are available & must be purchased
from the bar. Refreshments & snacks, other than those purchased at the bar, are strictly prohibited
from being brought to, or consumed on, the Moravian Hall property or premises.

Lessee Signature____________________________________ Date___________________

Leasing Agent______________________________________

5601 Kostoryz Road Corpus Christi, Texas 78415, 361.852.5747 Revised September 20, 2022